Monday, October 22, 2007

The launch of MySpace's first 'original' series

Maybe MySpace is realizing it needs to being evolving with the times and add a little something extra. reported this morning that the social network site is creating a new show "Roomates." MySpace has hosted clips from television before, but this is the first time it has created original content and been the sole distributor.

According to Forbes, "A peek at 'Roommates' looks like a video version of much of what already goes on inside MySpace: Girls dance around in their bikinis, flash their lacey under things and shake their barely covered bums at the camera."

Because of the extremely high numbers of hits MySpace receives, advertising space is a hot item. If the series does as well as predicted, ads could generate a great deal more than television ads. Ford is taking advantage of this unique advertising opportunity and is a major sponsor; one of the characters will buy a new Ford car that boasts a great deal of new technological features.

While I question the uniqueness of this show and wonder if this content truly is "original," I do think it is great that all four of the women on the show will be social media savvy -- each woman will have a MySpace account as well as a personal blog. Interactivity with characters is encouraged, and viewers can influence the outcome of the show by commenting and voting.

So, are original Internet programs the next big thing? Maybe -- but I don't think the women of "Roommates" will be the next Meridith, Christina Izzy and Callie. To me there always will be something relaxing about sprawling in front of the T.V. to unwind, and sitting in my desk chair staring at my computer screen just is not the same.

Visit to view the trailer.

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